14 Mar 2023
by Meat Business Women

Meat sector called upon to contribute to Gender Equality Report

Meat Business Women, the global professional community for women working in the meat industry, has initiated international research which will track how many women are working in the global meat sector and the enablers and barriers to grow the talent pipeline.

Meat Business Women, the global professional community for women working in the meat industry, has initiated international research which will track how many women are working in the global meat sector and the enablers and barriers to grow the talent pipeline.

This research will track progress against the trailblazing report in 2020 which was instigated by the United Nations. This year’s final report will form a key part of the agenda at the World Meat Congress in October.

In order to ensure that the research is robust, Meat Business Women are calling on all businesses in the meat sector to participate by supplying basic employee data. All information obtained during the study will be treated with the strictest confidence and will be stored anonymously.

The report will deliver key information on the percentage of women employed at different organisational levels, perspectives from key leaders on what’s helping and hindering gender equality and inclusion more broadly in the industry, focus groups with women to understand their experiences of working in the industry and case studies of organisations and initiatives that have made a positive difference to gender representation.

Meat Business Women chair Laura Ryan says: “In order for the meat industry to remain resilient and sustainable, it needs to understand how best to progress gender equality. This report will track progress since the 2020 report and share practical recommendations that both the sector and individual organisations can adopt to create a positive change. It’s crucial that businesses play their part in this essential research by supplying basic employee data so that it can provide a comprehensive understanding of the ‘state of the nation.’

Individuals who work in the sector are also being encouraged to have their say in this essential research by taking part in a short anonymous survey and taking part in focus groups. The purpose of these is to have a more detailed conversation with women who work in the sector to explore their ideas on what the sector is doing well, what it is doing less well and where the opportunities for change are when it comes to both gender inclusion and inclusion more broadly.


How to get involved

Organisations to supply basic employee data – by 24thMarch

Complete basic employee data. Details on how to do this can be found on Meat Business Women’s website.

Individuals to take part in survey and focus groups

Pulse survey for all genders:

A short anonymous 10 minute questionnaire for people working in the meat industry to further understand enablers and barriers via here

Focus groups:

Meat Business Women will be running three, 90 minute focus groups. The purpose of these is to have a more detailed conversation with women who work in the sector to explore their ideas on what the sector is doing well, what it’s doing less well and where the opportunities for change are when it comes to both gender inclusion and inclusion more broadly.