Industry Campaigns

Championing and supporting women in the meat industry

At Meat Business Women, we believe the industry is a great place to build a fulfilling career. We aim to attract new talent, grow the number of women within the sector, and provide support and inspiration to women currently working in the industry.

Inclusivity, empowerment, and diversity is at the heart of what we do.

Through our groundbreaking campaigns, we showcase role models, smash outdated steroetypes and inspire women to achieve success in their careers.


We know that diversity and inclusion are crucial in ensuring workplaces thrive.

The 2023 Meat Business Women Gender Representation Report found that 53% of people working in the meat industry think that inclusion has moved up the agenda, but we know there is more to be done in this space.

And we know that regardless of gender, age, race or background we all need to work together to bring about positive change in gender inclusion.

Each of us must step up, play our part and support one another to make collective change. 

This is #ThePowerOfUs.


Since our initial research in 2020, we know that the industry is making progress in gender inclusivity. But there is more to be done.

To really shift the dial, all genders need to work together to create a more inclusive and supportive sector.

Our latest campaign calls on everyone within the industry to:

Recognise: Identify your strengths and confidence
Respond: Harness your confidence to take action, get heard and put yourself forward
Reciprocate: Empower your peers, pay your knowledge forward, share your experiences and inspire success.

#ThePowerOfYou empowers women, fosters the involvement of male allies and drives action towards a more inclusive sector.

It's time to believe in #ThePowerOfYou!


Watch the latest #ThePowerOfYou episodes


We know that to attract and retain more women, the meat industry needs more visible role models and to showcase a wider variety of roles.

That's why we developed our flagship industry campaign in May 2021. #SheLooksLikeMe shines a light on the meat industry in a way that has never been done before. Challenging outdated sterotypes, championing real women, and showcasing the huge variety of careers available within the sector.

As part of the campaign, we asked women across the industry to give us behind the scenes insights into their day-to-day roles. The 'Spotlight On' series helped to debunk common myths about what it's like to work in the meat industry, as well as making the range of careers much more visible.

Watch their stories below...


Watch the 'Spotlight On' series